This is a very exciting time, and we share the joy and the hope that you feel as an engaged couple. Marriage preparation is vital so that you can better:
Understand marriage as both a sacrament and a vocation.
Help discern and deepen your commitment to each other.
Learn more about each other before you get married.
Remember that marriage preparation begins at your home parish, so please contact your parish as soon as possible.
FOCCUS is called an “inventory” and stands for Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding & Study. FOCCUS is a tool that guides healthy conversation on numerous topics, some of which, couples may have never previously discussed. The FOCCUS inventory is not a test or a predictive tool. FOCCUS helps engaged couples understand individual lifestyle expectations and enhances your ability to communicate about marital topics such as personalities, interests, problem solving, intimacy, faith, and many others. The goal of your parish FOCCUS facilitator is to prepare you to build a strong marriage by lovingly guiding each engaged couple, facilitating conversations – even difficult conversations. The FOCCUS inventory is not a measure of compatibility, and no one can fail it. It is a snapshot in time of what you as an engaged couple are thinking right now, and you will grow and learn more about each other as you converse together over time. The FOCCUS inventory consists of dozens of topical statements you as a couple will respond to and discuss with each other, guided by your facilitator.
Natural Family Planning is a means of either achieving or avoiding pregnancy based upon the couple’s knowledge of their cyclic fertility and infertility. NFP is morally acceptable to all faiths. It is 99% effective when used to prevent or postpone pregnancy by an instructed and motivated couple.
If you talk to engaged couples many will tell you that there is no substitute for a good mentor couple in the marriage preparation process. This couple can authentically share their struggles and their joys with you and remain available to answer questions throughout your first few years of marriage. Their experience, witness of marital love, and the mentoring they provide ensure that you have someone to turn to as you learn and grow together.